“Valuing the sanctuary of family, the wonder of nature, and the adventure of life.”
Tréology was created in 2012 by Andrew and Melany-Jayne Davies. With a 150 year family legacy of luxury furniture-making behind them, Andrew and Melany-Jayne wanted to combine this traditional craftsmanship with contemporary art and design. They also wanted to share their love of the New Zealand landscape through functional art with clients throughout the world.
Tréology is about connecting people and families, and celebrating the wonder of nature. This is reflected in their five core values that are central to the company:
Family Nature Adventure Excellence Respect
Taking on adventures, and giving back to nature is elemental to how the Tréology team work and play. This includes participating in multisport events throughout New Zealand, planting trees, and contributing to community organisations.

Tréology CEO and Co-Founder
Andrew is the CEO and Founder of Tréology. Andrew grew up in Christchurch, surrounded by furniture craftspeople. From an early age he remembers going to his family’s furniture business, observing his father and their team of craftsmen transform timber into beautiful cabinets and tables; and as he got older, working in the business during school and university holidays.
During his OE to Great Britain and traveling around the USA, Europe and South Africa, Andrew grew a deeper interest in design and architecture and the interconnectedness with furniture. After returning from his OE, Andrew joined the business fulltime and continued to develop his skills, knowledge and passion in furniture design.
Andrew has managed a range of projects from high-end residences in New Zealand, luxury lodges, hotels and wineries to collaborating with designers both in New Zealand and internationally.
When working with clients, Andrew spends time listening to understand the clients’ vision, then using his extensive management skills, works with the team to ensure the crafted design solution is successfully completed.
Tréology Director and Co-Founder
Melany-Jayne Davies is the Director and Co-Founder of Tréology. A daughter of a now retired architectural builder, design, love of wood and respect for our natural environment was a strong part of her informative years.
Following a period of travel and living and working overseas before university, Melany-Jayne started her career in the world of selling luxury goods, progressing into project management and later in to leadership roles.
Melany-Jayne’s varied career and experiences, attention to detail and dedication to collaboration makes her an integral part of the Tréology team. Her role includes supporting with the design process and delivery of the team’s exceptional results.
Melany-Jayne is passionate about the connection between people’s wellbeing and the role that nature plays in this. She loves being out on her mountain bike with her family, tramping New Zealand’s Great Walks, or simply going for a walk with her friends and family.

Situated on the Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’, New Zealand has been both challenged and protected by the intensity of nature. Earthquakes, high rainfall, and mountainous terrain result in an ever-changing landscape, as landslips and floods sweep away giant trees. These trees are then submerged and protected by the elements for centuries.
“Ensuring ethical and sustainable practice is essential for our business and our clients.”
TĀNE-MAHUTA (God of the forest)
TĀNE-TE-WĀNANGA (Bringer of knowledge)
TĀNENUI-A-RANGI (Bringer of higher consciousness)
River Timber
Logs that can be centuries old, are eroded from riverbanks by the powerful rivers of New Zealand’s Westland region. Submerged tōtara, rimu, and matai are exposed and released into the river for us to rescue and craft into functional art. Their tumbling journey through the remote wilderness, over Pounamu and boulders of greywacke and sandstone, is an integral part of your furniture’s story.
Ancient Swamp Timber
From the swamps in the far north of New Zealand, we source ancient Kauri timber, considered by Māori to be the kings of New Zealand’s forest. Carbon dating by the University of Waikato confirms that this swamp Kauri is the oldest workable timber in the world, having lain beneath peat swamps for over 45,000 years. This treasured timber is recreated by Tréology into a rich and sophisticated piece of furniture – something truly special for our clients.

At Tréology, sustainable manufacturing practices are as important as the use of sustainable materials. We are committed to upholding our strong values of protecting our planet’s natural resources.
Our furniture is designed and crafted with the preservation, conservation, and celebration of nature at the forefront of everything we do.
“We treat our resources and heritage with the reverence and respect they deserve.”
Every piece of timber we use has an eco-friendly story. All our suppliers share our vision of minimal or zero environmental impact when sourcing the timber.
Each Tréology design allows for our sustainable manufacturing process. We also specially design pieces that incorporate small but stunning timber off-cuts. Tréology furniture is designed to be durable, future-proof, and user-friendly.
Woodchips and sawdust are compacted into firewood pellets. Small off-cuts are donated to local preschools for children to ‘build’ with. All other recyclable waste is sent to local recycling plants.

The History
The furniture-making legacy of the Davies family has provided Andrew and Melany-Jayne with a passion and love for quality craftsmanship. This heritage started in 1852 with the birth of Robert Norrie, Andrew’s great, great grandfather, who crafted furniture that can now be found in the Auckland Museum. Describing himself as an Artistic Cabinetmaker, Robert Norrie shared his love of nature and woods of New Zealand, by crafting beautiful inlaid tables, cabinets and boxes for visitors to the city. Over the years, Andrew’s forefathers have won numerous accolades and prizes for their handcrafted furniture. Their reward lies in shaping, crafting and revelling in the warmth and organic beauty of timber. Excellence has never been compromised in over 150 years.
Andrew Davies
Harrold Norrie
Robert Norrie
Robert Davies
Stanley Davies
1972, NZ Governor General Porritt with PM Jack Marshall
Robert Norrie is born – the great great grandfather to Andrew Davies, the current Tréology Managing Director.
Robert Norrie crafts furniture that now sits in the Auckland Museum.
Robert’s son Harold is born. He goes on to become a top Canterbury cabinet-maker.
Harold’s daughter Stella, marries Stanley Davies in 1935,
a Christchurch woodworker.
Stella and Stanley’s son, Bob Davies, establishes RA & CR Davies LTD.
RA & CR Davies LTD is awarded multiple accolades and prizes nationwide for superior design and craftsmanship.
Bob Davies is commissioned by the world renowned writer and producer,
Dame Ngaio Marsh to make original furniture.
Bob Davies becomes a Master Craftsman and makes furniture for New Zealand Governor General Sir Arthur Porritt.
Bob Davies son, Andrew, joins the family business.
Tréology is established by Andrew and Melany-Jayne Davies.
The Tréology Umber Chair wins Gold at the
New Zealand Best Design Awards.
2013 Tréology sends first export order over to Australia.
Tréology opens new office, studio at 16 Loftus Street, Christchurch.

RICHARD SIMPSON (1972 – 2019)
Tréology Designer
Richard was a loving family man, exceptional artist, strong athlete, talented musician, and loyal friend. His world class designs helped bring the Tréology brand to life.
Richard’s positive attitude about how to live your best life continues to inspire our family today.
His legacy to make this world a better place will continue.
Tréology CEO and Founder
Andrew grew up in Christchurch, surrounded by furniture craftspeople. From an early age he remembers going to his family’s furniture business, watching and observing his father and their team of craftsmen transform timber into beautiful cabinets and tables; and as he got older, working in the business during school and university holidays. During his OE to Great Britain and traveling around the USA, Europe and South Africa, Andrew grew a deeper interest in design and architecture and the interconnectedness with furniture. After returning from his OE, Andrew joined the business fulltime and continued to develop his skills, knowledge and passion in furniture design.
In 2012, when Andrew and Melany-Jayne created Tréology, the combination of all the experiences to that point of his career, and his love of nature and adventures became a critical element to the design process and continues to be a common thread tying Tréology designs together.